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On Line Shop is now open ---> |
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This form will feed into a central register of people who want to get involved in helping your Community Centre thrive:
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A letter to the VillageA local villager Dot Squire attended our AGM and was moved to write to all villagers to encourage their support for our "Raising the Roof" appeal you should receive a copy through your letter boxes soon but here is a copy of what she has written:
From Dot SquireSo far this appeal has generated over £800.00 in donations. Thank you to all who have donated to date.
We are now a Charitable Incorporated OrganisationSo what does this mean to you?
Reassurance: The Charity Commission has approved our:
Our new governance document is here:
Children's Playground Fully OpenThe fun continues in the Children's Play Park with the new Zip Wire opening on Wednesday 15 June.
Please note that it has an inbuilt brake so that it stays in place when mounting. You need to apply some downward pressure to move it easily towards the mounting platform.
The Charltons Community Centre is a multi functional venue.
The Hall is subject to the provisions of Covid 19 Regulations and is open.
Whilst predominantly a sports hall it can be used to host evenings such as weddings, parties and quiz nights. With the effective use of our fabric awning and subdued lighting the hall can be transformed into a more intimate setting.
Future Plans - Continued improvements and Fund Raising
Following the recent consultation we are now embarking on a process to meet the requirements that our Community have requested, the results of the consultation can be downloaded from the Consultation page via the More tab above.
The improvements are going to be a phased process and current thinking it is likely to be:
To enable such improvements we need to conduct some serious fund raising which will include organising events such as music performances, car boot sale, quiz night and a Platinum Jubilee weekend of fun and music which will incorporate our Village Day.
If you would like to be a part of these exciting plans just let email [email protected] and register your interest.
The improvements are going to be a phased process and current thinking it is likely to be:
- Re-roof and Insulate the main hall including provision of directly accessed storage and address heating.
- Redesign and improve entrance, toilets and current changing rooms to provide a Village Cafe and an additional studio/ small hall plus proper disabled facilities.
- Extend to the front to provide additional lounge area for cafe that will offer views of the playing field and children's playground.
- Project Charltons are continuing to improve the outside facilities and expect to complete the slide and climbing area on the new mound plus there will be a zip wire installed as soon as the monies are available from the development opposite the Fox & Hounds. Project Charltons Web Site & Facebook Page
To enable such improvements we need to conduct some serious fund raising which will include organising events such as music performances, car boot sale, quiz night and a Platinum Jubilee weekend of fun and music which will incorporate our Village Day.
If you would like to be a part of these exciting plans just let email [email protected] and register your interest.
Community Centre Consultation (August 2021)
If you would like to know more about the Community Centre Consultation, follow this link ----->
Our Facilities
The hall can be used for a wide range of sports such as badminton, pickleball, volley ball, basket ball and indoor five a side football.
There is a fully equipped kitchen, with serving hatch leading directly to the Hall. Upstairs we have a room used for meetings, smaller parties and workshops. This room is also the home of our Youth Club. Outside the main building, we have 2 football pitches with changing facilities and showers, a modern well equipped children's play area and full size fully enclosed tennis court. Limited free parking is available adjacent to the hall. Extended parking is available by arrangement. |
The Memorial Playing Field, Top Road , Charlton Adam, TA11 7BE |
The Sensory Garden
The sensory seating area has been developed as part of the Project Charltons’ purpose to provide an outdoor activity area on the Memorial Playing Field which would meet the needs of every member of the community from the age of 0-100 years, including any with a disability or special need. A pleasant and attractive outdoor space so important to our health, physical and mental wellbeing especially during the COVID pandemic. The garden was largely funded by an anonymous donation of £5000 from a villager topped up with a grant of just over £2000 from the Big Lottery Community Fund. It was designed by Angela Morley, landscaped by Martin Butt – a local villager and planted by volunteers. It is in a shady spot of the field near to the car park in order for it to be accessible for people with limited mobility. The plants have been chosen for several reasons – they need to be shade loving, with sensory attributes such as perfume, be fairly robust and hopefully are ones which will attract wildlife especially bumble bees to create our very own “Buzz Stop”. |
The garden is maintained by a group of volunteers who meet formally once a month on the second Friday of the month from 10 until 12. New members are always welcome and if you would like more information please contact Andrea de Berker 01458 223227 [email protected] Alternatively please feel free to weed as you pass!