Would you consider making a donation to the Community Centre Trust, Project Charltons or the Youth Club ?
Donations can be made by cheque payable to the Charltons Community Trust and passed to either a Community Centre Trustee, a member of the Project Charltons team, Kate O’Boyle or Maureen Trevethan, the Community Trust Treasurer.
Alternatively you can make a donation by a BACS payment. The details of the account can be obtained from either Maureen Trevethan, the Community Trust Treasurer or Andrea de Berker, Community Trust Secretary.
We are now registered to be able to claim Gift Aid.
If you are willing/able to gift aid your donation please contact Andrea de Berker, who is the Gift Aid Secretary. She will be able to provide you with a Gift Aid declaration form. Alternatively complete the Gift Declaration Form at the bottom of this page and return it to her.
This means we can claim 25p extra for each £1 you donate directly from HMRC.
Thank you so much for your support. We really appreciate it
Contact Details:
Maureen Trevethan, Shephards Orchard, Station Road, Charlton Mackrell TA11 6AG [email protected] 01458 223509
Andrea de Berker, Deep Meadow, Hillway Charlton Mackrell TA11 6AN [email protected] 01458 223227
Kate O’Boyle. Long Barn Welham. [email protected] 07941 130777
Alternatively you can make a donation by a BACS payment. The details of the account can be obtained from either Maureen Trevethan, the Community Trust Treasurer or Andrea de Berker, Community Trust Secretary.
- Donations to the Trust contribute to the upkeep of the actual hall and building
- Donations to Project Charltons contribute to the development of the play and leisure facilities on the field.
- Donations to the Youth Club contribute to the running expenses of the youth club
We are now registered to be able to claim Gift Aid.
If you are willing/able to gift aid your donation please contact Andrea de Berker, who is the Gift Aid Secretary. She will be able to provide you with a Gift Aid declaration form. Alternatively complete the Gift Declaration Form at the bottom of this page and return it to her.
This means we can claim 25p extra for each £1 you donate directly from HMRC.
Thank you so much for your support. We really appreciate it
Contact Details:
Maureen Trevethan, Shephards Orchard, Station Road, Charlton Mackrell TA11 6AG [email protected] 01458 223509
Andrea de Berker, Deep Meadow, Hillway Charlton Mackrell TA11 6AN [email protected] 01458 223227
Kate O’Boyle. Long Barn Welham. [email protected] 07941 130777
Gift Aid
Download this form and return the completed one to:
Andrea de Berker. Thank you |